Sarah’s Story

I felt I faired pretty well with pregnancy, I didn’t swell, get horrendous pain in my back, I still worked full time until 36 weeks and if covid wasn’t around I would have happily worked until 38 weeks.

I noticed by 34 weeks I would get worn out quickly which was unnerving. I managed zoom matwork Pilates sessions a few times a week as gyms were shut and by 40 weeks was still walking a few kms a lot slower than usual (trying to walk her out). Getting up and down was the hardest part!

Post baby was slow as gyms were still shut, Pilates was my first exercise back post partum.

I felt the core strength and muscle tone I had from exercise really helped to keep me “fit” during pregnancy so it was an okay transition back in.

At 8 weeks post partum I had complications with my episiotomy which took me longer to get moving without being in pain or worried it wouldn’t heal. I also had significant ab separation (5cm) so I wasn’t allowed to lift anything heavier than Hallie, 3-4kg, for the first 8 weeks. It was so tough, I felt very helpless.

Once I got back into the swing of Pilates, I was going 1-2 times a week for mums and bubs classes and was surprised at how well my body handled the classes. I felt so much better moving and they were a good excuse to get out of the house. I was walking a few times a week on flat paths which also helped to clear my head. I felt like the exercise was great for getting my shape back but it was more about the mental game and proving that the life I knew before Hallie still existed.

I found it the hardest when Hallie was about 5 months old (sleep regressions) then when I went back to work around 10 months. Sleep was a myth, I had no energy, didn’t have the motivation to do anything and struggled trying to work out how to do everything which made me feel worse than when I was pregnant. I felt I had lost all progress I had made.

I slowly made it back to the gym and would feel great when I was doing strength training but I couldn’t do a lot of cardio as mentally I didn’t get through it which made me feel worse in my head.

Pilates was good, I felt like I was achieving something again and if I booked in it kept me accountable.

I went months without stepping in to the gym because mentally I couldn’t get myself there. Only now Hallie is sleeping better I am getting better at cardio (bike, I don’t run) but I am still scared of my pelvic floor even though I have no issues.

I started riding again now that Hallie is able to sit in a baby seat which is nice cardio together.

It took 6 months for my abs to recover although I had been doing more lifting just around the house around the 3-4 month mark.

Overall, I have struggled more mentally.

Trying to get the “body” I had back as silly as it sounds and feeling myself again. It has taken a long time and I still don’t think I am there yet and Hallie is now two!

I felt like I had my strength properly back by the time she was one, coping with full length Pilates classes well and gym sessions.

But it was a long road!

- Sarah


Clare’s Story


Kelsie’s Story