Clare’s Story

I had expected I’d be someone who could exercise right up until I gave birth. I have always been relatively fit and had a small frame. I thought I’d just grow this beautiful little bump.

By 3rd trimester I was struggling with swelling, I had put on so much weight, my feet and legs were so sore and puffy and it was a struggle for me to walk around the house.

I remember taking a pair of grip socks off after my Pilates class and being horrified by the mark they left in my swollen skin.

I was never diagnosed with preeclampsia, the swelling was just me and pregnancy.

If I didn’t have the extreme swelling and associated pain, I think I would of been able to exercise a lot further into my pregnancy.

I ended up having a C-section due to bub being breech which meant recovery was slow and painful.

As I am only early days postpartum and as I get to know my new bub and recover, exercise has been very minimal. I have enjoyed going for walks and have done a few Pilates classes. I only just now feel like my body is feeling up to exercise. My abs however are non existent.

I am so appreciative of my body and all its gone through to bring this bub safely to me and now nourishing my bub as I breastfeed. I have to remind myself of that a couple of times a day when I see a new stretch mark, cellulite or when I am puffing move than I would have on our walks.

I think it is so important to have encouraging, supportive people around. Social media these days can be so damaging as we are constantly shown incredible “bounce backs”.

My aim is to do Pilates once a week and do group classes twice a week plus daily walks, I’d also like to lose 4kg, tone up and be confident to wear a bikini in summer and meet other mums along the way as I recover.

- Clare


Courtney’s Story


Sarah’s Story