Peta’s Story

I started Pilates after my first baby. I had never tried it before and immediately loved the new challenge of the reformer.

I continued through my next two pregnancies, feeling strong and well supported by the instructors who safely adapted exercises for my changing body.

While I felt my physical health was being maintained, I also appreciated the mental benefits at times when I was struggling with the mental load of pregnancy and motherhood.

I found returning to exercise postpartum easier, knowing the Pilates classes would be suitable for my recovery.

I was always keen to get back to Pilates after getting the all clear from my doctor.

At times I have felt frustrated with how differently my body functions now, having to slowly work up to previous levels and being conscious of not pushing myself too hard in certain exercises.

I appreciate the modifications available for each exercise, especially the days when my wrists hurt from holding my baby for long periods.

The gains may be slower for me now, but I can’t say how proud I felt when I recently managed to hold a plank for nearly a full minute!



Nina’s Story


Courtney’s Story