Sam’s Story

I’m a mama to two beautiful girls 3 & 2.

While pregnancy was relatively an easy time for me with next to no side effects I was faced with the tough challenge of recovering from two c sections.

Prior to kids my health and fitness was my number 1 priority and I didn’t expect it to change so much but once my babies arrived my priorities became surviving the day to day life.

Postpartum recovery was physically and mentally tough for me.

Learning to accept a different moving and different looking body was really challenging but something I am slowly adjusting to even 3 years later!

My health and fitness goals have dramatically changed since having my girls.

While I used to aim for a quickest 5k or heaviest squat I now exercise to be quick enough to run around the park and strong enough to carry the girls when their little legs are tired.

I want to teach my little ladies that every body is beautiful, to wear the swimmers and make the memories together!



Hayley’s Story